Employment Supports & Training in the Twin Cities metro
Once a person has found a job working in competitive, integrated employment, NCSI can provide individualized services and supports that help the person to maintain paid employment in the community/business setting.
Ready to start a new employment journey for yourself or someone you care for?
Learn about our employment services, and the process we use to help persons served to find and keep meaningful work. Our training and supports services fall under the “Keep” phase of DHS’ E1MN plan.
Keep Phase Services & Activities
Employment Support (Keep) activities help the person be successful in their job. Based on the person’s needs, activities may include things like:
Job analysis
Job redesign
Coaching and supporting acceptable workplace self-care, proper dress, personal hygiene and grooming
Job training and coaching to strengthen and maintain necessary work skills, behaviors and coworker relationships
Job-related counseling and support, including help understanding earned wages and impact on benefits
Training and coaching the person on job-related transportation
Progress review and reporting meetings
In-service transportation
Arrangement for adaptive accommodations
Arrangement for assistive technology
Advocacy, negotiation and liaison communication with the employer
Development and strengthening natural work supports
Research and coordination for job-related transportation
Working with the employer to design and implement set schedules for ongoing follow-up support, job coach sharing, fading out and monitoring
Data collection, documentation and progress reports on a person’s work performance
Benefit(s) fact gathering, review and analysis to determine how a change in circumstances will affect benefits.
PLEASE NOTE: In-person Job Coaching by NCSI staff is time-limited. Staff will help the person-served to develop natural real-world work supports with their supervisor and coworkers, and then fade out of in-person job coaching. Long-term job coaching may be possible in some cases by utilizing trained volunteers.